
The NetBreak project is a chrome extension that enables users to automatically save web pages as single, faithful-to-original HTML files, with features such as automatic recursive saves and offline detection followed by seamless uploading of saved pages.

The project tech stack is JavaScript, Node.js, Azure functions(serverless), Puppeteer, Docker.

The NetBreak project is an extension for the open-source SingleFile chrome extension.

With NetBreak, you can access web pages and content that you have previously visited or downloaded, as well as a few levels deeper inside pages that they have previously visited, even when you don’t have an internet connection. The extension will also detect automatically when the user is offline and will switch automatically to the local and saved content that was saved when the user was online.

In summary, NetBreak facilitates web browsing by providing access to users who have limited access to a high-speed internet connection, making it easier and more efficient for them.

netbreak-screenshot-saved-pages netbreak-screenshot-diskin