
The GetWeather project is a simple web application which provides real time weather for any given city in the world.

The app is written in Vue.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

Moreover the app is using Firebase REST API to store the user data- the weather and the authentication data of every user (Firebase functions as the ‘backend’ of the app). Another API used is the openweather API which provieds (as obvious) the weather data. To use the openweather API I’ve created an end point on Google Cloud Platform which handles all the work behind the scenes - requesting the data by sending the API key and the city name the user entered, extracting the data which recieved back, and finally returning the weather data to my Vue app.

Finally, I needed to serve my content and for that I used Netlify.I used it because they are very simple - you can simply serve your content by simply connecting to git repository in github.Another reason is that from this point forward every change to my app will be added by git commit command, which is very convenient.

You can find and experience the app at:
